Friday, December 25, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

We module start with a simplification of expanse as a one dimensional ring of length r. Time raised to an unknown power n module be assumed to be the radial dimension outwards from any point on the circle.

For a instance interval t, the “distance” in instance mapped on to our expanse instance diagram module be presented by;

D = atn

Where a is a unceasing of proportionality relating expanse to time.

It is postulated that reddened travels orthogonally (perpendicular) to instance in a straight line or tangent of the circle of space. For an angle p radians, the distance cosmopolitan in instance is presented by:

atn = r{sec(p)-1}
t = [(r/a){sec(p)-1}](1/n)

The distance cosmopolitan in expanse is:
X = Prsec(p)
The rate of reddened module be distance divided by time.
C = Prsec(p)/ [(r/a){sec(p)-1}](1/n)

It can be shown that for n=2, the rate of reddened varies by inferior than 9% up to angles of 30 degrees, which equates to some 2 billion reddened years.

An goal travelling at inferior than the speed of reddened at a rate v would travel inferior “distance” in the content of time. For an angle b, this is presented by;
t' = t{1-(sec(b)-1)/(sec(p)-1)}1/2

It can be seen this produces instance dilation in reasonable commendation with special relativity. If we expand our represent to include a third dimension, motion our circle into a sphere, the orthogonal dimension can be regarded as forcefulness or mass.

space, that we observe, curves into this dimension and manifests as forcefulness or mass. Close to mass, expanse would curve into the forcefulness dimension and thus be analogous to travelling at high velocities in cost of how instance passes.

If E is the potential forcefulness of an goal or 2MG/r (Where M is the accumulation causing the configuration into energy, G is the attraction unceasing and r is the distance from the object)
The equation for instance dilation nearby accumulation would be;

t' = t{1-(sec(b)-1)/(sec(cb/E0.5)-1)}1/2